Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas bears and cookies

Last Thursday, the boys and I drove uptown to meet Daddy for lunch in Founder's Hall, where the singing Christmas bears were to perform! After a brief battle with the double stroller during which I was beginning to think I'd be heading right back down Independence Blvd. instead of strolling the sidewalk, we made it to our destination. N marveled at the singing bears while baby M snoozed in the stroller.

On Saturday, our friend "Miss E" came to help us bake cookies. We made G's favorite fruit-filled pies and a batch of gingerbread cookies. N got to decorate the gingerbread and taste the cookie dough. We ended up with several one-eyed gingerbread men because he kept tasting the cranberry eyes.

M slept sweetly through the entire baking event.

When he woke up, he gave me the best gift yet - his first smile! Here's kind of a half-smile, but it gives you an idea of what he's capable of.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH, how sweet! I can't wait to see that little smile for myself.