Monday, January 30, 2012

Delight, Not Duty

"Delight, not duty." This phrase has been on my mind ever since our pastor used it in his New Year's Day sermon. It has me thinking about the way I approach life, and especially motherhood.

So many times, I fall into a cumbersome (and martyr-like) way of doing my daily tasks, turn the duties into drudgery, and miss the blessings. I am praying that God would fill me with joy and delight this year.

To that end, we started a new thing around here this weekend. I took Nathan to the park on Saturday. No pictures, just a new appreciation for his unique personality and style. Seems like Nathan was needing a break from his little brother toward the end of the week.

I am hearing more and more things like, "Mark, don't follow me around all the time!" Probably goes along with being 5. The park date was a great break from brotherly squabbles.

We also did some good cooking to spice things up at the table. I prepared a strawberries and cream trifle. I had been so excited to try one ever since Kate made a trifle dessert for me in Oklahoma.

Greg answered his Louisiana cravings and made crawfish etouffee on Sunday afternoon.

So delicious! Since I love Louisiana cooking so much, I am attempting red beans and rice today. The recipe calls for using a ham hock to season the beans. I was a little scared to purchase this meat product, but decided it's probably worth the gross-factor. Hope so! We'll let the natives vote after dinner.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Status Update: Much Improved

Two Mucinex tablets, some sunshine and extra sleep later, I am feeling much better. At the moment, the laundry's spinning, Nathan's napping and Mark's making a play-doh pizza. I'm going to fry some hamburgers on the stove for supper tonight. I remember Mama doing that from time to time, and they always tasted so good!

I've been noticing some independence streaks in both boys over the past few days. Nathan decided to rearrange his room yesterday during quiet time. He rearranged it back to the usual configuration today. He has been laughing hysterically at an Amelia Bedelia book. He "gets" her mistakes and they are very funny to him!

Mark has been taking more physical risks...showing me how he can drop down from the monkey bars, pretending his swing is a hang glider, and sliding down a very tall fireman pole at the playground. He worked a puzzle all by himself.

The boys were doing some "schoolwork" yesterday morning. Mark likes to trace, and Nathan is having fun figuring out words, patterns, etc.

Here's an older photo of their mid-morning camp-out in the den a few weeks ago.

Gonna make some pizzas with Mark now while big brother sleeps...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Day In the Life

I wake up with a stuffy head. It's day three of a cold. I stumble downstairs for a cup of coffee before greeting the kids.

I am halfway through that cup of coffee (interrupted by sinus-clearing sessions) when I hear Mark sweetly calling, "Mama, I'm pooping!" I sweetly reply, "Mark, are you all done?" I am hoping it takes him a while, because I don't want to deal with it at the moment.

He is, and I put down the coffee to answer the call of duty, a.k.a., wiping up. Only this time, there's a wet mess on the floor to accompany the dirty bottom. Not that unusual at my house, but I digress.

Mark is dressed and ready for the day. He joins me for the end of that cup of coffee and I read him a brief Bible passage from Psalm 103.

8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.

He asks me what "iniquities" are, and I try to explain. I'm thinking about the way he swiped a cookie when I wasn't looking yesterday afternoon, and then grinned from ear to ear while he tried to hide the evidence, but I don't remind him of it this morning. We dealt with that one already.

We continue reading.

13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.

He says he isn't made of dust; doesn't want to be made of dust. He thinks that's a funny thought. I am glad of it, myself - glad that He remembers.

I pray aloud that the children will learn to be servants of God, that I will be an example of this for them. I think of Christ's perfect example, described in Philippians 2:

5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!

How quickly God answers with an opportunity to serve.

So, in the midst of this conversation, we hear Nathan crying upstairs. I wonder if he's just woken up with a stuffy nose and is disgruntled by the inability to breathe. Turns out his stomach is hurting and he just wants to lie in bed.

He does just that for a while, until I'm clearing the table of my breakfast dishes and then he starts really wailing. I get upstairs just in time to watch him vomit on the carpet. I comfort him, help clean him up and give him instructions to rest and be still.

Turns out he's a bit of a grumpy sick child today. I will leave it at that.

I am a grumpy sick adult, and I don't like dealing with a grumpy sick-o. I want to be appreciated, thanked.

We spend the bulk of the morning watching Veggie Tales and a Thomas movie, and I snooze a little bit. When it's over, Nathan's hungry for toast - like three pieces. And a bunch of applesauce. Mark wants some, too. I feel like a short-order cook. Thank goodness they place easy orders.

After they are both fed, they begin leaping around the den and sliding off the couch, pretending it's a boat or something. I'm not sure - I'm folding clothes by myself in the other room.

I make the observation that Nathan must be feeling much better, and suggest the children put on their shoes and go outside. They leap with glee and race to ready themselves.

Mark needs help with socks, so I help him wiggle his toes into a pair. I'm reaching out to give him a little hug afterward, and he reaches wipe his snotty nose on my sweater sleeve!

I send him to get a tissue for me and give him a talking-to about how you should never wipe your nose on another person. He has a terrible habit of opting for his own sleeve over a kleenex every time. Gross, but at least it's his own personal property.

So now, I'm getting ready to start laundry load number 3. It's 12:31 p.m. and I am wondering what lies ahead for this afternoon. I am made of dust. I am not the suffering servant that Christ is. I get sick, tired, and moody. But I know whatever is coming my way, I know I have a Helper who knows my weakness and loves me just the same.

4 Surely he (Christ) took up our pain
and bore our suffering.
Isaiah 53:4a

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pretty pictures, and two interviews

Right before Christmas, I was outside with the kids at sunset and took these photos from my seat on the deck. The weather was mild and I was catching my breath before the big trip to Louisiana.

And today I borrowed an idea from another blogging friend, B, and did a brief interview with each of the boys. Here are their responses.

Nathan's 20 Questions

1. What is your favorite color? red, because Bob is very red (as in Bob the Tomato from Veggie Tales)

2. What is your favorite toy? fire engine

3. What is your favorite thing about your brother? that we play pizza shop

4. What is your favorite t.v. show or movie? Madame Blueberry (Veggie Tales)

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? candy (yeah, right!)

6. What are your favorite clothes? my hooded sweatshirts

7. What is your favorite game? Colored Chickens

8. What is your favorite snack? ham, cheese and crackers like I had in Louisiana

9. What is your favorite animal? my firedog

10. What is your favorite song? a ridiculous song

Mark's 20 Questions

1. What is your favorite color? brown

2. What is your favorite toy? little firetruck with sirens

3. What is your favorite thing about your brother? playing pizza shop

4. What is your favorite movie? Larry Lies (Veggie Tales)

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? soup

6. What are your favorite clothes? the ones I'm wearing right now

7. What is your favorite game? Gray Duck (we read about it in Ramona the Pest today)

8. What is your favorite snack? goo ga goo ga goo ga

9. What is your favorite pet? honeydog

10. What is your favorite song? goo goa goo ga