Thursday, January 26, 2012

Status Update: Much Improved

Two Mucinex tablets, some sunshine and extra sleep later, I am feeling much better. At the moment, the laundry's spinning, Nathan's napping and Mark's making a play-doh pizza. I'm going to fry some hamburgers on the stove for supper tonight. I remember Mama doing that from time to time, and they always tasted so good!

I've been noticing some independence streaks in both boys over the past few days. Nathan decided to rearrange his room yesterday during quiet time. He rearranged it back to the usual configuration today. He has been laughing hysterically at an Amelia Bedelia book. He "gets" her mistakes and they are very funny to him!

Mark has been taking more physical risks...showing me how he can drop down from the monkey bars, pretending his swing is a hang glider, and sliding down a very tall fireman pole at the playground. He worked a puzzle all by himself.

The boys were doing some "schoolwork" yesterday morning. Mark likes to trace, and Nathan is having fun figuring out words, patterns, etc.

Here's an older photo of their mid-morning camp-out in the den a few weeks ago.

Gonna make some pizzas with Mark now while big brother sleeps...

1 comment:

Aunt J said...

So glad you are feeling better. You are the BEST mama! Also glad the boys are enjoying the pizza maker! That makes me happy!