Monday, September 26, 2011

Little Messes

It's Monday. We've had rain for several days in a row. The kids are stir-crazy. So far today, we've had several messes to keep me busy. The first was Mark dumping all the crayons out and coloring on the floor.

I think I was trying to make a grocery list when this happened. The consequence was he had to pick up every single crayon, and then help me scrub the floor clean.

The second was Mark's bad aim in the bathroom, which resulted in another scrubbing (this time I didn't make him help.) Murphy's Law was in effect, of course, because I had finally cleaned the floors on Saturday.

The third was Nathan filling up the bathroom sink with bubbles. It was actually kind of fun to see that one. I let them both play around in them for a while - harmless fun!

In between these little episodes, I offered a mommy-controlled art activity. We made potato prints and stamped some pictures.

My grocery list remains unfinished, the dryer hums along, the kids are playing "poo poo pit" (which they are not supposed to do - they are fascinated with bathroom talk right now) and we'll probably have hobo stew tonight. That sounds about right. Nice and easy.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Enjoyed your post! FYI crayon wax makes for a VERY slick floor if you are wearing socks...learned that last winter when G went to town on our hall floor :)