He came barreling downstairs this morning, full steam ahead. He was grinning from ear to ear when he raced over to the big brown chair where I was drinking my coffee. He jumped up beside me and started chattering. He's three! He is a big boy now, and he is so proud of it. His laughter is contagious. He talks about how the trees are praising God when they blow in the breeze. He picks up earthworms for fun. He tells me that his toy airplane could fly "extremely fast" if he took it out in the breeze.
He hides in his closet or under his bed when he knows he's in trouble. He tells us that he does things "for my own glory." He is a daredevil. He tells me that he really wants to climb to the top of the towering pine trees at the end of the road. He loves sticks. He still needs me to kiss him goodnight. He cries for just a minute when he gets a boo-boo, and then he's okay. He is "the chipmunk." He is a climber and a jumper and a runner. He likes to sing the blessing. His favorite praise songs are "Lord I Lift Your Name On High" and "Our God is So Big." He wants to go so high I can't even see him on the swing. He grabs stuff from the counter. He colors on his face sometimes. He is proud of the WWJD bracelet he won at the fall festival last weekend. He still sleeps with his blue blanket and honey dog. He's Mark.