Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Meaning of a Weekend

Now that we are in "school mode," I feel the value of the weekend even more than I did before.  This Saturday morning, the boys woke up around 7 am. 

We had a surprise pastry breakfast from Gram and Gramp to celebrate the first days of school, and after we sampled the tasty treats the boys and I went outside to enjoy a cool August morning. 

It is so strange to be able to say that, but it truly was about 65 degrees outside!  I sat and enjoyed my coffee while they swung and climbed and slid. Eventually I was invited into the playhouse with Mark, and I accepted.

Then the boys swept the deck to clear it of the fallen leaves.

A little later, Nathan and I sat on the front porch and he made a home for a beetle.

It just felt right to be here, doing the "little things" together.  I will miss him while he's away at school tomorrow, but I know he is in God's care and in good human hands, too.

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