Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Visit with Gram and Gramp

About two weeks ago, Gram and Gramp came for a weekend visit.  The time together was precious, and we made a lot of memories. Early on in the weekend, the tennis racquets came out.  Gram did some great drills with both boys.

It was hard to get the boys to stand still long enough for a picture, but these turned out pretty nicely despite the activity level of the youngest subjects!

Gramp taught the boys how to use these battery-powered gliders, which they loved.

What a loving and wise example I have in my in-laws!

In the days since the visit, inchworms and caterpillars have become quite the fascination in the backyard.  One day last week, Nathan asked if he could keep some inchworms in a jar.  Of course, I said yes.   He provided their food and water.  I even let him bring them in the house, as long as he proved they couldn't escape.

Mark loves to catch as many as he can. He calls the caterpillars his friends.

They both love letting them crawl on their arms.   I remember catching a bunch of caterpillars as a child one summer, and keeping them in a cool-whip container so I could watch them turn into butterflies. 

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