We are home from the library, and N is down for his nap right now. I am taking a break from my Friday afternoon housework! I have designated Fridays as my "work days" to clean all bathrooms, vacuum, dust, etc. So far, it works out pretty well. I don't get overwhelmed with cleaning, and the house looks pretty decent for the weekend!
We had a great time at ImaginOn, Charlotte's children's library. N and I chose some new books to borrow - one about shapes, one about babies, and another about cars. A storyteller read some fun books and we sang along with silly songs. N walked around the room and visited with some of the other babies and parents.
When story time was over, we explored some children's exhibits - his favorite was a drum machine with lots of levers to lift and lower, and lots of noise, of course. He also loved a "popping ball" machine, very similar to the toy his Gram and Gramp gave him for Christmas! He giggled while he watched those balls go up and down. We also tried on a silly straw hat together. I love this library! It's a nice break from my Matthews routine every now and then, and on Fridays when G is free we like to bring lunch and meet Dad in his big building after our library time.
Our little guy does love his books...loves to turn the pages, loves to put them on his bookshelves (one in den, one in living room, and a book area in his bedroom!), and loves to make the sounds in "Mr Brown Can Moo! Can You?". He will sit in my lap for as long as I'm wiling to read to him - no kidding. He just snuggles right up with me (and his Dad at bedtime) and loves every minute. Sharing a love of books is one of my favorite parts of parenting right now. I hope this is a life-long love for N.
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