Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sleep, precious sleep...

It is official - baby M is sleeping through the night! We put him down at 7:30 pm, he eats one last time at 10 pm, and then he's a snoozer until 6 or 7 am. The uninterrupted sleep is already making a wonderful difference for all of us, especially me. The new routine includes some early morning time with baby M, my Bible and a cup of coffee.

I took this picture one of the first mornings after he slept through the night...he fell asleep so peacefully about an hour later while lying on this blanket in the living room.

He was quite bright-eyed this morning ~ and we are noticing that when he's awake and happy, M is almost always moving some part of his body. He seems to like pedaling with his legs the best.

M is now 9 weeks old. I am going to try to take periodic pictures of him with this musical lamb so we can see how he is growing.

G has been on vacation since the Monday before Christmas. Tomorrow we return to reality as he goes back to work. Here are two of my guys at Freedom Park last Tuesday.

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