Thursday, February 18, 2010


Turns out Nathan's ear infection is back again. The nurses and ladies at the front desk know all three of us on a first-name basis now. I see them more often than my friends these days!

I am glad to know that there was a medical reason for Nathan's nighttime issues this week. Last night he woke up crying. When I went to him, he told me he wanted to "get that stuff out of his ear." I rocked him for a few minutes and he just curled up in my lap with his arms around me and head on my chest.

This morning over breakfast he asked me why his ear was hurting again. Poor thing. When am I going to learn to spot an ear infection in this child?! I am hoping this is the last one he gets this winter. If he keeps having issues, the doctor has said we'll talk about tubes. I can see the wisdom in that at this point!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh girl, i'm sorry for you! and Nathan! hope it doesn't continue and i'll pray for that!