Thursday, April 29, 2010

Colored fingernails

Nathan is in the bathroom washing off his fingernails. He colored them black and green with markers. We just finished reading some Curious George books while Mark is napping and the laundry is drying and the dishwasher is running.

This morning we played at the park for a nice long time. The kids dug around in the volleyball court sand most of the time. Mark tried to sneak off into the woods by himself a few times, but I caught him before he got too far. He has been a bit on the wild side lately, climbing onto tables and counters and diving off of couches.

Nathan seems to be feeling really well post-surgery. He's had a few whiny moments and has complained of a sore throat a few times, but mostly he's been happy to run and play and talk and eat and sleep. It is so good to have him laughing and healthy!

Well, I have a special request to read "I'm a Big Brother," so I am going to hop on the couch for that. Speaking of brotherhood, the boys have been doing better than ever at playing together and enjoying each other. I think Nathan is beginning to see the humor in Mark's many antics, and Mark is demonstrating quite a sweet ability to share and console his big brother as necessary.

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