Last week I finally found the time to pull of the couch cover and throw it in the washing machine. It had survived a very snotty winter and needed a hot bath. My apologies for anyone who was grossed out by it when you visited over the past few months. Nathan found out about the sofa bed while the cover was off.
Yesterday we spent the morning running errands. We took care of some shoe shopping for Nathan, picked up some ant bait to address our current kitchen "invasion," and then did a quick tour of Sam's for diapers and the like. We had a picnic in the front yard when we got home. It was kind of thrown together, with the huge box of goldfish crackers we bought at Sam's opened on the picnic blanket, but it was fun to be outside together.
I am afraid Nathan has another ear infection, maybe in both ears. He's been running a low fever and complaining about his ears hurting for a few days. I am going to call the doctor to see about getting him in today. Only one week until the tubes go in and the adenoids come out, and this is just confirmation that it needs to happen! Poor thing has had almost a perpetual ear infection since Christmas.
You have ants, too?!?! I was thinking it was just me :) Our neighborhood much be very ant-friendly...
Yeah, girl! The crazy ants are all over my sink area. Yuck. My mom has had issues with them down in Cheraw, too! I guess the ants want some April showers to come on and address their water needs. :)
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