It looked like rain yesterday. With this in mind, we did our grocery shopping early. After we unloaded the cold things, I released the boys to play in the rain. They had worn their rain jackets and boots to the store, so they were ready. You have never seen two little people so delighted to explore wet weather!

We had a mid-morning snack on the front porch.

Nathan wanted to push The Yellow Truck all over the yard. When the rain came down hard, he pushed even faster. He got a kick out of watching the water from the rain spout pour into an old flower pot.

Mark took hold of the spade and did some digging in the mud. I think he gave Nathan some to eat (which seemed to go over well at first, but in the end was not well-received.)

On a side note, Mark sang "Jesus Loves Me" at the breakfast table this morning. What a sweet blessing to hear these words come out of his mouth.