Saturday, January 26, 2013

At Home in the Woods

I have been on a blogging break since last fall.  That's when things got rather busy at our house with school routines and birthday parties and camping trips.  Before I knew it, we were into Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We also started using a new system for photo storage, and I am just now figuring out how to use it for posting to the blog.  At any rate, I am going to try and re-cap some of the highlights of the past few months.

Back in October, we had a mild weekend and decided to go on a canoe camping trip.  We loaded kids, canoe, tent, packs and flotation devices into the Honda Accord and headed to L*ke J*mes State Park for one night.

We did some paddling in the afternoon before supper.  We set up camp, and the boys helped by cleaning off leaves from the tent pad.  

While Greg made shrimp and grits for us, I started reading The Chronicles of Narnia to the kids.  They are hooked, and we're still reading in the evenings.

We slept all snug in our sleeping bags that night, and woke up early for more grits, hot chocolate and coffee in the morning. 

The boys practiced casting and reeling their fishing lines from the dock later that morning.

These are their "monster faces."

I thought this moment on the dock was so picturesque - truly captured the spirit of their brotherhood and this time of their lives as little boys.
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