Monday, August 11, 2008

Curious George

Here's our boy in his Curious George outfit, playing with his Curious George jack-in-the-box. We've also been reading Curious George and the bunny today.

It has been a relaxing day at home for us. We took a walk and then played outside with sidewalk chalk and bubbles for a long time. Lunch was pbj's, crackers and grapes for both of us, and now N's down for a nap.

Since I was on a mini "Mama vacation" last week while Nanny and PopPop kept N for us, I have some leftover chores to take care of today. I thoroughly enjoyed myself during the two days he was in Cheraw, doing everything from hanging out at a coffee shop and playing with photos for N's baby scrapbook (projected completion date is sometime before my due date, October 30) to having lunch with a friend and a dinner date with G.

I feel quite rested and as though I lived a life of small luxuries last week. Here's N enjoying one of his favorite "luxuries," water with ice cubes. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a luxury for us to spend time with little curious george!