Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Boys

We have a little bit of snow on the ground again today! I kept waiting for it to warm up a little bit before taking N out to play, but I think I may have waited too's melting as the boys nap. We spent the morning cleaning up around the house. N got a kick out of the "funny noise" the vacuum cleaner makes, and he "helped" me dust the furniture. It's neat that he wants to work with me now. If only it will last into his teenage years, I'll have it made!

This is what M does when I just talk to him - no tricks required at all.

Here's N when he was about 3 months old.

Here's what N does if you ask him to give you a big smile.

This is a real smile after the "pretend" one.


Unknown said...

I love the comparison pictures and all of the smiles. I'm smiling, too!

Unknown said...

AF enjoys playing with her toy dust buster, and I too have tried to figure out a way to keep that love of cleaning going for the long haul! :)

Love those comparison picks of the boys at the same age...must have been sitting in the same bouncy! Isn't that precious.

Gotta love Mr. Personality there with his handsome smiles, huh?!

Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

love it! so cute!