Friday, June 15, 2012

I had no idea it has been so long since my last post!  We've had some good summer fun over the past few weeks.  A lot of it has been in the beautiful outdoors.

This week the boys are visiting grandparents, and I have been left to my own devices for a few days.  Turns out, I don't really love shopping by myself as much as I might claim to!  It has been nice to catch my breath and do things on my own timetable, but I miss the laughter and busyness of the house when it's full of boys.

A friend of mine lost her son one year ago on Father's Day, and that anniversary has me thinking about a lot of things.  It is so incredibly precious to give birth to a child, let alone two children.  Having two little souls to love, know, enjoy, train and love forever more is the biggest blessing in my entire life.  I am going to hug them so tight when they get home they just might pop this time!

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