Monday, June 30, 2008

Creative Pursuits, Sweet Sleep & N's New Room

We've been having fun with artwork around here lately. I've introduced N to collage as well as the wonder of washable markers!

Today I have been washing sheets. I guess N was getting sleepy and figured this was as good a place as any to try and take a nap.

We have had our eye out for a second-hand crib for a few months now. N will turn two in November and I don't think he's ready to move into a big-boy bed just yet. I found a steal on last week - a crib and matching glider for only $80! We still enjoy rocking N while we read books before nap and bedtime; this way we can continue a little longer.

We're planning to move N to his new room sometime in early August to give him plenty of time to adjust (and me time to ready the nursery for his baby brother!)

Friday, June 27, 2008


I desire to be a contented, gracious and grateful woman, but I can't just flip a switch and become that way. It's something that must be learned, and God has to do this work in my life. I discovered the quote about cultivation on my birthday this year and it has stuck with me. I am praying that the Master Gardener will cultivate contentment in my heart.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Next Radiant Bride to Be

Don't you love the sparkle in M's eyes, and the even bigger sparkle on her ring finger? Truth be told, I knew this was coming for quite a while, ever since I was secretly consulted about a certain piece of jewelry. And yes, I kept quiet the whole time!

I was joking with M's fiancee, R, last night about who could tell the best version of the engagement story since he has a blog as well. Instead of a competition, I will just share the link to his blog so you can read all about it. Long story short, he made it a very special and romantic moment for M, and the twins were able to celebrate together, even if only for one night when K returned to Cheraw from her honeymoon before loading up for her big move out west.

I love both of you, sisters, and am thankful to have two new brothers now! N and his baby brother are sure to have loads of fun with their uncles.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Congratulations, Aunt K and Uncle JW, plus a surprise...

My sister K married the love of her life, JW, this past Saturday! Since my family is famous for enjoying every minute of an event like this (we can make Christmas gift opening last all day long and we never want it to be over) the wedding events officially began last Thursday evening. JW and his family came into town and my parents hosted a barbecue dinner complete with brisket, all kinds of sides, and a snickers cake for dessert. Friday's events included my sister's bridesmaid luncheon, the rehearsal and a delicious rehearsal dinner.

Saturday was the big day! It started with a bang, quite literally, when we heard thunder and got a little storm around 6 am. The rain let up for the rest of the morning. The bride and groom tied the knot at 2 pm at First Baptist Church in Cheraw, SC (my hometown and where I married G). I won't try to do a description of the dress and ceremony - we'll leave that for the newspaper - but my sister was a stunningly gorgeous bride, and her groom was quite possibly the happiest man I've seen in a long time!

The reception was lots of fun and the food was both bountiful and delicious. The most remarkable moment had to have been the near-monsoon that descended upon our little town and knocked the power out at the church for almost an hour! Needless to say, the bride and groom (as well as guests) waited until the storm passed before saying their goodbyes.

Post-wedding activities included cleaning up at the church and eating a whole lot of leftover finger foods and cake from the reception, which I was happy to do! My aunt and uncle from Iowa were in town for a few days after the wedding, and we were able to spend some time together after the excitement died down a bit. I also loved seeing my best friend M and her two children who had driven up from FL for the wedding. I took N on lots of walks around town and we played in the yard every day. This whole event was kind of a mini-vacation for me!

I am full of joy for K and JW, and at the same time I am tearing up thinking about how far away my little sister is going to be when she and JW set up their home in Tulsa, OK. What a mix of emotions! But I must tell you that the "wedding story" doesn't stop here.

In true Depew fashion, just when we thought things were settling down for our family, my sister M (K's twin) came home from the beach on Sunday evening wearing a glorious diamond ring on her left hand and her happy fiancee R on her arm!!! Congratulations, M and R! I guess this just goes to show that everything really is more exciting in a family with twins. (More on their engagement story's a good one!)

G and I couldn't help but think back on our own wedding day during the weekend. We'll have been married 8 years this July. I love this man more than I can ever express!

And here's the little man in my life - Nanny helped him bring me a flower (the first of many, I hope!) Such a sweet moment. Thank you, God, for the gift of my family.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Playtime & A New Favorite Store

I made a set of picture cards for N to look through, and every now and then he'll dump out the entire box in search of one particular picture....the cookie!

Here's my little builder hard at work.

This afternoon N and I visited a new store, Kids at Heart. It's a children's and maternity consignment shop in Matthews. The staff was very friendly and helpful, and I found some great bargains ~ a white shirt for N to wear at Aunt K's wedding this Saturday, a sun hat with a cute crab on the front, and a new book, I'm a Big Brother.

I am so excited about this shop - in addition to having a great selection and wonderful pricing, the store is quiet, has nice wide aisles, and even allows children to play in the toy section while parents are shopping!

Monday, June 16, 2008


This was a weekend of celebrations at our house! Today is my 31st birthday. G and I went out to dinner and a free outdoor production of Romeo and Juliet with some friends on Saturday night. On Sunday, my family and sister's boyfriend R came over for lunch for a joint celebration of Father's Day and my birthday. Here are some photos from the weekend.

N reclining on the superman ball his Aunt K gave him when she visited a few weeks ago...

Strawberry shortcake!!

Enjoying the wind chimes, another form of free outdoor entertainment...

Reading with Daddy

Walking with Mama

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fun in the Wading Pool

Today was N's first time in the wading pool. He preferred to stand up in the water, and he really liked it when I splashed him. As you can see, he enjoyed his "water toys," and apparently he was pretty thirsty out there!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chooga, chooga, choo choo!

Making a cardboard "boxcar" train was another of my attempts at cheap fun for N. He loves to pull toys around the house (like his xylophone and anything else he can drag behind him), so I thought this might be a hit. The idea is that he can load up the train with his toys and pull it around what we like to call "the loop" in our downstairs, with stops in the kitchen, hallway, living room and dining room!

Here he is checking out the mechanics of the train....

And here he is pulling it down the hallway!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Halfway there!

I am 20 weeks pregnant today, and it seems like just yesterday that I took the pregnancy test and we started this journey of expanding our family. Ever since we found out N will have a baby brother, I have been trying to imagine our life with two boys. I don't know if you can ever really wrap your brain around what it's like to have one child, let alone two, but I'm trying anyway!

I had a special treat this Sunday at church when I was asked to help in the 4 year old classroom. I completely enjoyed seeing how the boys played with each other and interacted with me. One of them in particular was busy building shields, which he said he would use to protect anyone in danger! Isn't that just like a boy, to desire to protect other people?

Not all of the boys wanted to build defense weapons, though. One of them was content to make shape patterns, and another joined in a game of "Ring Around the Rosie." My favorite moment was when a group of boys decided to turn some playground equipment into a rocket and blast off to Mars!

I think God wanted to remind me that there are many sides to the hearts and personalities of boys. I must admit that I am slightly afraid of being the lone female in our home, although I've actually thrived with my two boys so far. I believe and trust that God will make me the mother He wants me to be. I am praying that He will give me a heart that loves both of my sons as unique individuals. I am also praying that He will give me the strength to one day let them go and protect their own families. And until that day comes, I pray that God will give me the grace to part with whatever beautiful treasures of mine will no doubt come in the path of my boys!

A Cheap Way to Beat the Heat

Since we are in the middle of a heat wave, I am on the lookout for inexpensive and fun indoor activities for N. A friend of mine lent me a copy of The Toddler's Busy Book and I've been scanning it for fresh ideas. It's a great book and I plan to purchase a copy for myself, especially since I'll be in toddler mode for the next few years.

Our first activity was "the clothespin can." I found a bag of the old-fashioned clothespins (no hinge) at the Dollar Tree and we used an cardboard oatmeal cannister instead of the recommended coffee can. N and I must have played for half an hour or more with these clothespins, pushing them down on the cannister rim, taking them off, putting them inside, shaking the cannister, and then taking them back out for another round of fun. I love watching the gears turn in N's head as he figures out how to do something new - it's such a joy for me!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Oh Boy!

That's N's way of announcing the coming of his new baby brother! Praise the Lord for another healthy baby on the way. All three of us were present for the ultrasound (G, N and me). N sat on Daddy's lap the whole time and watched his mama on the table and his brother on the screen!

Our little one waved to us and even smiled, and he seemed very cozy inside my belly. I am still feeling good and sleeping well at this point in the pregnancy, for which I am thankful. I've been feeling the baby move for several weeks now. It feels like a gentle flutter - a quiet reminder that he's in there, growing, and being marvelously knit together by our Creator.

I hope to post some pictures from the ultrasound this weekend. We are trying to install some software that will allow us to scan in the photos - we'll see!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I made a few shakers for N out of some used kitchen containers. Each is filled with lentils and rice, acini pasta, or penne pasta. They make great sounds and seem to have captured N's attention, at least for this morning! We have the ultrasound this afternoon at 3, so I will be posting about that later today or this evening. Please keep us and the baby in your prayers!

This might be fun, mama...

I like making noise!

They can also be stacked.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wow, eating with a spoon is so cool!

N is slowly but surely figuring out how to use a spoon and fork. This morning he a had a lot of success scooping the oatmeal from his bowl while it (the bowl) was wedged against his plate. Every time he got a bite, I said "wow!" and he lit up with a big smile!

All done, Mama!

Polishing it off with a nice cup of milk...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Auntie K Came to Visit

My sister K is finished with her job and is eagerly awaiting her wedding day, June 21. In the meantime, she came to stay with us for a few days last week.

She arrived on Tuesday with Fluffy Two-Step Cheesecake and a bag of chocolates for G and me, and a big bouncy superman ball for N! We spent Wednesday doing some light shopping and playing at home. On Thursday we ran a few errands, including donating all of my old prom dresses and bridesmaid dresses to Thompson Child & Family Focus, where I worked before N was born. I am cleaning out what will be N's new bedroom in a few months as we get ready for the baby and decided that I could finally part with these sentimental garments!

K and I went to see James Taylor in concert on Thursday evening - it was a true "girl's night out" (and also K's early birthday present). The weather was beautiful, which was especially great because we were sitting on the lawn. I think we could have both listened to James play for hours past the time the concert ended! Here are just a few shots from our time together.

N and Auntie K "sleeping" on the couch

Finger-painting with chocolate pudding - great for tasting, too!

On the front porch with Auntie K

Here is the recipe for Fluffy Two-Step Cheesecake for anyone who is interested. My mom, sisters and I have all made it and can testify that it's very easy to make, and quite delicious on a warm summer evening.

8 oz. package cream cheese (may use reduced fat)
1/3 cup white sugar
8 oz. container frozen whipped topping, thawed (may use reduced fat)
9 inch prepared graham cracker crust
pie filling (may use reduced sugar)

In a large bowl, beat together cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Gently fold in the whipped topping. Spoon into the prepared crust. Refrigerate 3 hours, or until set. Top with your choice of pie filling.