Friday, June 6, 2008

Oh Boy!

That's N's way of announcing the coming of his new baby brother! Praise the Lord for another healthy baby on the way. All three of us were present for the ultrasound (G, N and me). N sat on Daddy's lap the whole time and watched his mama on the table and his brother on the screen!

Our little one waved to us and even smiled, and he seemed very cozy inside my belly. I am still feeling good and sleeping well at this point in the pregnancy, for which I am thankful. I've been feeling the baby move for several weeks now. It feels like a gentle flutter - a quiet reminder that he's in there, growing, and being marvelously knit together by our Creator.

I hope to post some pictures from the ultrasound this weekend. We are trying to install some software that will allow us to scan in the photos - we'll see!

1 comment:

Katie LG said...

Awww . . . Another boy! We couldn't be happier for you. Blue seems to be your color, anyway. :) I've been stalking your blog for this post. We seriously need to get together. Our boys are growing so fast. (and lately, so am I!)
Congratulations to all of you!