Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Brothers & M's video

The other night, G was fixing omelets and I was playing with the boys in the den. M gets a kick out of lying on the floor and playing peek-a-boo with a receiving blanket. Well, he was having such a good time with it that N wanted to join in the fun. They were both smiling and laughing, and it was one of those sweet moments I want to always remember.

M is eating a lot of vegetables and fruits, along with rice and oatmeal baby cereals these days. I am offered him some mashed potatoes last night, and I think they were a bit bland for his taste. He'll like them a lot better in a year or so when he can have the good stuff on them...like salt, pepper, butter, cheese...yum! Here's a quick video of baby M doing what he does most of the time. Thank you, Aunt Jane, for the book, and Aunt Linda, for the blanket!

And here's my sweet pumpkin with his favorite blue elephant. It plays "Lullaby." Maybe it will become the equivalent of N's beloved blue blanket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the video! so cute. i remember roo playing with her crinkly butterfly when she was that old too...boo hoo my baby is gone...she has a loose tooth now! 6 years old! waaah. lol. love you!