Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Read this post

I stumbled upon this blog today. Take a minute to read it if you can. It made me cry because I identified with it so much. Honestly, having just one child for a few days was a relief. I liked the quiet. I liked being able to think straight. And I wasn't in a hurry to re-enter the noise of our real family life. When N got home this afternoon, he had a big temper tantrum right off the bat. He didn't want to put away his toys. Then, he yelled in his bed for the better part of an hour before he settled down for a nap, which he desperately needed. I was sitting down here wishing I could turn that noise off, but I couldn't. I feel guilty when I admit these things, but this girl's blog made me feel much better about being honest as a mother.


Unknown said...

Oh I love her blog! I have been a fan of it for about a year now. She is REFRESHINGLY honest about motherhood! I love it. So glad you were encouraged by it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with admitting that not all your days are filled with perfection...thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

read that blog. very good and honest reflection. never stop being real about your experience. God can be honored by our realness about life and be glorified when we share how our faith in Him is interwoven in it all! happy easter girlie!