Sunday, April 26, 2009

Stolen Moments

This afternoon, M woke up from his nap with his arm "stuck" in the crib railing. After I rescued him, he gave me the special gift of snuggling in my lap for quite a while. He is such a sweet one.

He also discovered his feet today.

Here's big brother with Daddy. Lately N has enjoyed pulling out all of M's rattles for him. He has also learned how to make a sound like the car blinker. How do boys do those kinds of things?


Mel said...

M's best pictures yet!

AV said...

I think so, too - G is a good photographer and I knew these still moments were too good not to capture with the camera. Now I will have to get on the ball and print these and some others of him!

Unknown said...

Yes, and I'd like a copy, too!