Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The camera didn't do it justice

Here are some of my favorites from the weekend with Gram, Gramp and Aunt Amy. I just wish we had taken more!

Boys greeting Gram

Gram playing the row boat game

In Nathan's "forest home"

Mark having Gram swing him "as a high as a mountain"

The Easter Egg Hunt

We're settling back into "real life" now that the week of special times is over. That's good, too. Here's how things were about 5 pm yesterday. Mark is pretty pooped.

He's also spreading his two-year-old wings pretty broadly right about now, challenging me at every turn. At the same time, he's figuring out how to compliment me on my clothing choices and give me lots of hugs and kisses at bedtime.

Thankfully, a sweeter spirit seems to have settled between the boys this week. Nathan has been offering me lots of pats on the back, literally. It feels good to have that little hand pat me so gently. How did God know I'd need that right about now?

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