Thursday, June 30, 2011


Lately I have had some time alone with Mark. I have enjoyed that. Last weekend when Greg took Nathan camping, Mark and I played with the train tracks.

This was his idea of how to make a tunnel.

I've spent the day with him today, too, while Nathan is in Cheraw. He asked me to read to him a lot. After quiet time, he wanted to play outside, so we set up the sprinkler and he got nice and wet. I took him out for a quick errand, and he promptly fell asleep in the car after going in one store.

He's still napping on the couch.

I should wake him, but I'm enjoying hanging out, listening to music, and waiting for the pizza dough to rise...

1 comment:

Staci said...

He's becoming quite the couch napper lately...NICE! :)