Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sleeping baby, plus a windy day art project

Our baby M is a fighter...of sleep, that is. When he finally takes a nap or falls asleep at night, it's as if he has put up a flag of surrender, or at least temporary retreat! He is a good sleeper once he's "out," which is a blessing.

Yesterday was a wild and windy day, and I took both boys outside to play. N pushed his yellow truck around the yard, and M slept in the baby bjiorn carrier. We rocked in the front porch rocking chairs and watched the trees blowing before coming in for lunch.

Today, I helped N make a few placemats with some of the leaves we collected. I want to always remember that wild and windy day with my boys.

N crumbling the leaves - he got to glue them to paper, too!

The placemat, and baby M sleeping during the entire art project...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so precious!